Newsletter of the WHO Special Programme on Primary Health Care Issue 2 | June 2021 |

22 June 2021, 12:00-14:00 CETHIGH-LEVEL EVENT: The role of primary health care in the COVID-19 pandemic response and leading equitable recovery
Interpretation will be available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish
The event will stream live on this page

Update on primary health care (PHC) Accelerator
Since its development, the primary health care (PHC) Accelerator in Global Action Plan (GAP), led jointly by WHO and UNICEF, at global, regional and country levels, has been consistently driving country impact on primary health care steered by governments in coordinated collaboration with the 13 signatory agencies [READ MORE]

Highlight on cross-accelerator work at country level
A key to successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3) Global Action Plan (GAP) is the coordination of the Primary health care (PHC) Accelerator with the other accelerator areas of the GAP platform. The PHC Accelerator is among the seven accelerator areas under the GAP. [READ MORE]

Joint mission on primary health care for universal health coverage in Pakistan
The Government of Pakistan places health at the center of its human development agenda. Pakistan signed the UHC2030 Global Compact in 2018, committing itself to advancing Universal Health Coverage (UHC) [READ MORE]

Parenting Inter-Agency Vision
COVID-19 has put parents and caregivers under extreme stress. It is estimated that that more than one billion children are at risk due to the increased isolation from school closures, the financial hardship of families [READ MORE]

Ensuring equitable recovery and more resilient health systems with support from the Government of Canada
WHO and the Government of Canada (Department of Foreign Affairs Trade and Development) recently signed two grant agreements in the amount of 130.38 million Canadian dollars [READ MORE]

Immunization Agenda 2030
Last month, the Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030) was officially launched by WHO, UNICEF, Gavi and other partners, setting out the global vaccine and immunization vision and strategy for the next decade. [READ MORE]
New WHO/Europe information series highlights the transformation of primary health care during COVID-19
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, primary health care (PHC) systems in the WHO European Region have met the unprecedented surge in needs, with several countries responding by accelerating long-standing reforms [READ MORE]
Primary Health Care Country Vignettes
The Primary Health Care Country Vignettes series illustrates the continued importance and transformation of primary health care across the WHO European Region during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As the Declaration of Astana sets out, a comprehensive primary health care approach upholds the right to health, promote social justice, empower individuals and communities, and address the determinants of health. They are also fundamental to achieving universal health coverage. But primary health care (PHC) is not one and done. It is not a single intervention, programme or goal. Rather, it is an approach that must take into account a large number of medical, geographical, socioeconomic, environmental and political factors affecting health and well-being.In order to ensure that a PHC approach is an integral part of the organization’s work across all three strategic priorities of healthier populations, universal health coverage (UHC), and health emergencies, as well as being practical and available at the country, regional and global echelons, WHO has established the Special Programme on Primary Health Care. Through the WHO transformation agenda, the Special Programme on Primary Health Care and the UHC Partnership and Joint Working Team for PHC & UHC–a bottom-up three-level support platform to countries–merged in order to boost the implementation of the PHC approach in countries as a means to achieve UHC. The Special Programme on Primary Health Care serves three core functions: Country impact – Provides a one-stop mechanism for PHC implementation support to Member States, thus putting into action the Operational Framework for PHC; Evidence and innovation – produces PHC-oriented evidence and innovation, including measuring PHC progress, with a sharper focus on people left behind, while ensuring technical coherence and conceptual clarity on PHC-relevant global goods; andPolicy and partnership – Promotes PHC renewal through advocacy and partnership with stakeholders at global, regional and country levelsAs an agile, integrated platform, the Special Programme on Primary Health Care provides advice and assistance in building people-centred, resilient and sustainable PHC-based health systems. One practical tool already available to help countries deliver on a PHC approach is the Operational framework on primary health care. |
Health topic: Primary health care
Fact sheet on primary health care
The Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being for All Signatory agencies of the Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being for All |


Technical Information
To assist you, we have available the Technical Series on Primary Health Care, which covers more than two dozen aspects of providing care in the community, to the community, and through the community, ensuring health for all at all ages. The Technical Series on Primary Health Care can be found here
We also have available for you a series of webinars on various PHC-related topics, which can be found here, along with copies of previous issues of this newsletter.
Questions? Comments? Ideas to share? Please write to us at [email protected]

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